Geeta Devi offers these talks in the oracular tradition.

She speaks in a somatic, poetic and non-linear language that is designed to offer you a pathway into the ancient well from which she is speaking.

We suggest listening with the whole body and heart, not just the mind.

A cup of cacao to support the prozess of Connection, Sharing & Divinity.

We suggest deep listening, feeling and sharing own experiences.

This evening is strickly for born Woman Only.


A Community Event open for everyone, ready to share themselves authentically.

We invite you into a Sacred Space of Authentic Relating

  • Welcome everything
  • assume nothing
  • reveal your own experience
  • own your experience
  • honor your self / honor others

WE talk our talk and move with respeckt and we allow everything shared to stay sacred.

Open for all Genders

Emotion Release  Movement Meditation

Practice the art of remaining a witness

Remain a witness. Don’t get lost. It is easy to get lost. While you are breathing you can forget: you can become one with the breathing so much that you can forget the witness. But then you miss the point. Breathe as fast, as deep as possible, bring your total energy to it, but still remain a witness. Observe what is happening as if you are just a spectator, as if the whole thing is happening to somebody else, as if the whole thing is happening in the body and the consciousness is just centered and looking. This witnessing has to be carried in all the three steps. And when everything stops, and in the fourth step you have become completely inactive, frozen, then this alertness will come to its peak.” OSHO

Emotion Release Movement meditation icreated and guided by Geeta Devi - dance therapie experienced - embodiment coach and Yogini will guide the sessions using different tools and all in the moment. All the participant needs to do is come with an openness to release any heaviness and allow to express whatever is ready to show it self.

This meditation aims to move stagnant energy and break conditioned patterns in the body-mind that keeps one imprisoned in the past. This is a fast and intense meditation that allows the practitioner to experience the freedom, the witnessing, silence and peace that are hidden behind those prison walls.

 It takes time – at least three weeks are needed to get the feel of it, and three months to move into a different world. But that too is not fixed. It differs from individual to individual. If your intensity is very great, it can even happen in three days.”

Tuesdays - 18:15 till 20:00

Saturdays- 9:00 till 10:30

Save your spot with an sms - 079 b361 01 59


10 abo- 250.-

no show will be charged if not communicated on time.

Liebe Mann
Möchten Sie die Frauen und Menschen in Ihrem Leben verstehen, die bluten? Ihr Partner, Ihre Schwestern, Töchter, Freunde und Kollegen? Wenn Sie den Menstruationszyklus verstehen, können Sie die sich verändernde Natur der menstruierenden Menschen besser verstehen.
In diesem 90-minütigen Kurs lernen Sie einen einfachen Rahmen kennen, der Ihnen hilft, die sich verändernden Hormone und Energien zu verstehen, die eine Frau und diejenigen, die bluten, während ihres Zyklus erleben. Sie werden die dynamische Natur des Weiblichen kennenlernen. Vier sehr unterschiedliche Geschmacksrichtungen, die sich im Laufe des Zyklus verändern. Von sanft und verspielt über offenherzig und extrovertiert bis hin zu wild und kraftvoll, hingebungsvoll und nach innen gerichtet.
Dear Men
Do you want to understand the women and people in your life that bleed; your partner, sisters, daughters, friends and colleagues? Having an understanding of the menstrual cycle is your golden ticket to understanding the changing nature of people that menstruate.
In this 90 minute course, you will be introduced to a simple framework that will help you to understand the changing hormones and energies that a woman and those that bleed experiences throughout their cycle. You will get to meet the dynamic nature of the feminine. Four very distinct flavours that shifts as they move through the cycle. From soft and playful, to open hearted and extroverted, to wild and potent, surrendered and inwards.
Energie Exchange: Einzeln: 33.-
Vater & Sohn : 60.-
Group of 10 men : 333.- ( wir suchen ein passende termin aus)
Registration by 15. Januar 2024
Anmeldung via TWINT via 0793610159
oder Uberweisung an:
IBAN: CH23 0900 0000 6121 2812 6
cash please send your name and address.
note no show will be fully charged.